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Volume 62, December 2021

Social presence in online writing instruction: Distinguishing between presence, comfort, attitudes, and learning
Mary K. Stewart

Circulatory interfaces: Perpetuating power through practices, content, and positionality
Corinne Jones

Google Docs or Microsoft Word? Master's students' engagement with instructor written feedback on academic writing in a cross-cultural setting
Murad Abdu Saeed Mohammed, Musheer Abdulwahid AL-Jaberi

“Anyone? Anyone?”: Promoting inter-learner dialogue in synchronous video courses
Kimberly Fahle Peck

Phenomenology of writing with unfamiliar tools in a semi-public environment: A case study
Philip B. Gallagher, Philippe Meister, David R. Russell

A web-based feedback platform for peer and teacher feedback on writing: An Activity Theory perspective
Sandra Tsui Eu Lam

Analyzing writing fluency on smartphones by Saudi EFL students
Bradford J. Lee, Ahmed A. Al Khateeb

Digital surveillance in online writing instruction: Panopticism and simulation in learning management systems
Eric James York

Using automated feedback to develop writing proficiency
Yue Huang, Joshua Wilson

Book Review: ePortfolios@edu what we know, what we don't know, and everything in-between, Mary Ann Dellinger and D. Alexis Hart. WAC Clearinghouse (2020)
Sandra J. Keele

Book Review: Rhetorical delivery and digital technologies: Networks, affect, electracy, Sean Morey. Routledge (2016)
Addison Lamb

Composing (with/in) extended reality: How students name their experiences with immersive technologies
Amy J. Lueck, Christine M. Bachen

Sound, captions, action: Voices in video composition projects
Janine Butler, Stacy Bick

Coalitional literacies of digital safety and solidarity: A white paper on nextGEN international listserv
Sweta Baniya, Sara Doan, Ashanka Kumari, Gavin P. Johnson, Virginia M. Schwarz

Book Review: How Writing Faculty Write: Strategies for Process, Product, and Productivity, Christine Tulley, University Press of Colorado (2018)
Teresa Scott

Book Review: Bridging the Multimodal Gap: From Theory to Practice, Santosh Khadka, J.C. Lee (Eds.). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT (2019)
Ann M. Arbaugh



Computers and Composition Awards

Computers and Composition Hugh Burns Best Dissertation Award

For the 2020 Awards, the dates of eligibility include both 2019 and 2020, to account for the impact on the COVID-19 pandemic on the nomination process.

To acknowledge and support the growth and acceptance of scholarship, research, and teaching in our field, we present on an annual basis the Computers and Composition Hugh Burns and Ellen Nold Awards. The Hugh Burns Award is presented annually for the best dissertation in Computers and Composition Studies.

Computers and Composition will honor the winner during an awards presentation held during the Computers and Writing Conference.

Deadline for nominations is March 15. Send nominations for the Hugh Burns Award to:

Dr. Kristine L. Blair
Hugh Burns Award
McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Hugh Burns Award Recipients

Alison Cardinal, University of Washington Tacoma
How Literacy Flows and Comes to Matter: A Participatory Video Study

Honorable Mention
Gavin Paul Johnson, Christian Brothers University
Queer Possibilities in Digital Media Composing

Kimberly Fahle Peck, York College of Pennsylvania
Collaboration and Community in Undergraduate Writing Synchronous Video Courses (SVCs)

Erin Kathleen Bahl, Kennesaw State University
Refracting Webtexts: Invention and Design in Composing Multimodal Scholarship

Honorable Mention
Bridget Gelms, San Francisco State University
Volatile Visibility: The Effects of Online Harassment on Feminist Circulation and Public Discourse

Erika Sparby, Illinois State University
Memes and 4Chan and Haters, Oh My! Rhetoric, Identity, and Online Aggression

Honorable Mention
Brenta Blevins, University of Mary Washington
From Corporeality to Virtual Reality: Theorizing Literacy, Bodies, and Technology in the Emerging Media of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities

Dustin Edwards, University of Central Florida
Writing in the Flow: Assembling Tactical Rhetorics in the Age of Viral Circulation

Honorable Mention
Jacob Craig, College of Charleston
The Past is Awake: Situating Composers’ Mobile Practices Within Their Composing Histories

Allison Hitt, University of Central Arkansas
From Accommodation to Accessibility: How Rhetorics of Overcoming Manifest in Writing Pedagogies

Honorable Mention
Megan Adams, University of Findlay
Through Their Lenses: Examining Community-Sponsored Digital Literacy Practices in Appalachia

Honorable Mention
Bret Zawilski, Appalachian State University
When All That Is Old Becomes New: Transferring Writing Knowledge and Practice across Print, Screen, and Network Spaces

Crystal VanKooten, Oakland University
Developing Meta-Awareness About Composition Through New Media In The First-Year Writing Classroom

Ann N. Amicucci, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
A Descriptive Study Of First-Year College Students' Non-Academic Digital Literacy Practices With Implications For College Writing Education

Tim Lockridge, Saint Joseph's University
Beyond Invention: How Hackers Challenge Memory and Disrupt Delivery

Melanie Yergeau, University of Michigan
Disabling Composition: Toward a 21st-Century Synaesthetic Theory of Writing (Completed at Ohio State University)

Quinn Warnick, St. Edward's University
“What We Talk about When We Talk About Talking: Ethos at Work in an Online Community”

Jeremy Tirrell, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Mapping a Geographical History of Digital Technology in Rhetoric and Composition

Angela Haas, Illinois State University
A Rhetoric of Alliance: What American Indians Can Tell Us About Digital and Visual Rhetoric

Doug Eyman
, George Mason University
Digital Rhetorics: Ecologies and Economies of Circulation

Clancy Ann Ratliff, University of Minnesota
“Where Are the Women?” Rhetoric and Gender in Weblog Discourse

Susan Delagrange, The Ohio State University
Technologies of Wonder: (Re)Mediating Rhetorical Practice

Winifred Wood, Wellesley College
Electronic Deliberation and the Formation of a Public Sphere:
A Situated Rhetorical Study

Joyce R. Walker, Western Michigan University
Standing at the End of a Road:
Death and the Construction of Cyborg Relationships

Warren R. Longmire, Apple Computer, San Francisco
Using Learning Objects in Critical Thinking Pedagogy to Facilitate Entry into Discourse Communities

Carl Whithaus, Old Dominion University
Writing Our Way Toward Interactive Evaluation:
Computer-Mediated Communication, Critical Pedagogy and Hypermedia

Michael J. Salvo, Purdue University
Literacy, Hypermedia, and the Holocaust:
Reconfiguring Rhetoric in Hypermedia Environments

Anne Frances Wysocki, Michigan Tech University
VISIBLY COMPOSED, or Seeing What We Make of Our Selves On Paper and On Screen

Kip Strasma, Illinois Central Community College
Sites of Disjuncture: Reading/Writing Hyperfiction

Todd Taylor, University of North Carolina
Five Questions for Writing Programs in the Information Age

Sibylle Gruber, Northern Arizona University
Multiple Literacies in a Multicultural Setting: Contextualizing Nontraditional Students' Appropriation of Virtuality and Reality

Elizabeth Sanders Lopez, Georgia State University

Margaret A. Syverson, University of Texas, Austin
The Wealth of Reality: An Ecology of Composition

Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Clarkson Tech
Nostalgic Angels: Rearticulating Hypertext Writing
Joan Tornow
Discussing Literature in High School English Classes Using a Local Area Computer Network

Tharon Howard, Clemson University
The Rhetoric of Electronic Communities

Sarah Sloane, Colorado State University
Interactive Fiction, Virtual Realities, and the Reading-Writing Relationship

Mark Mabrito, Purdue University at Calument
Writing Apprehension and Computer-Mediated Peer Response Groups: A Case Study of Four High- and Four Low-Apprehensive Writers Communicating Face-to-Face Versus Electronic Mail