Volume 62, December 2021
“Anyone? Anyone?”: Promoting inter-learner dialogue in synchronous video courses
Kimberly Fahle Peck
Analyzing writing fluency on smartphones by Saudi EFL students
Bradford J. Lee, Ahmed A. Al Khateeb
Using automated feedback to develop writing proficiency
Yue Huang, Joshua Wilson
Sound, captions, action: Voices in video composition projects
Janine Butler, Stacy Bick
and Composition:
An International Journal
Computers and Composition is a professional journal devoted to
exploring the use of computers in composition classes, programs, and scholarly
projects. It provides teachers and scholars a forum for discussing issues
connected to computer use. The journal also offers information about integrating
digital composing environments into writing programs on the basis of sound
theoretical and pedagogical decisions and empirical evidence.
Computers and Composition welcomes articles, reviews, and letters to the editors that may be of interest to readers, including descriptions of computer-based composition and/or reading instruction, discussions of topics related to multimodal composing; explorations of controversial ethical, legal, or social issues related to the use of computers in composition programs; discussions of professional development and teacher education; explorations of tenure and promotion issues for scholars who work in electronic environments; studies of digital literacy; and discussions of how computers affect the form and content of discourse, the process by which discourse is produced, or the impact discourses have on audiences.
The print journal, Computers and Composition, has existed since 1983. The online journal, Computers and Composition Online, was established in 1996. See History of the Journal for more information.